Our Vision
“Leading Research University”
This vision stresses the importance of our university’s key mission which is to improve and apply the best quality standards in education, research and innovation.
The Strategic Plan 2019-2023 expresses the university’s strong commitment to transform the National University of Management to be the leading research university in entrepreneurship and innovation. We look forward to working closely with relevant stakeholders to help realize our strategic vision, mission and objectives over the next three years. Meanwhile, we welcome the active participation and support from our alumni, students, and private sector in the overall reform process. We do hope that NUM will become a globally ranked university in the near future.
Our Mission
“Cultivate Innovative Leaders, Managers, and Entrepreneurs for Society.”
The National University of Management is firmly committed to the development of competent and socially responsible human resources with high intellectual knowledge, skills, and ethics in order to be able to make more productive contribution to the socio-economic development of the country.